NGN invests in Equii LLC

Next Gen Nutrition Investment Partners LLC announced an investment in Equii LLC, which has a patent protected set of technologies that creates a high protein/low carb flour blend which can transform low nutrition carbohydrate dense foods to high nutrition reduced carbohydrate offers.


This powerful technology enables baked items like sliced bread to have a consumer meaningful level of protein (i.e. 10g per slice) while reducing net carbs 30 percent. The blends have been demonstrated in bread, bakery items, pasta, snacks, pancakes / waffles, cake mix and pizza crust to enhance nutrition without compromising taste. Unlike other high protein products which rely on protein isolates (which have off tastes and other compromises) or alternative flours with inclusions (seeds, nuts, etc. which negatively affect sensory and processing), Cella’s protein is inherent to the flour, resulting in an outstanding eating experience with only positive nutritional benefits. The company envisions a tripart business model with sales of their own consumer brand as well as ingredient blend mixes to food service and consumer brands. For example, the company in launching nationally this quarter with Bridor, a leader in providing innovative bread and bakery solutions North American food service and in-store bakery operators. The company has already launched a range of breads in Q3 2023 under the Equii brand name that offer 10g of protein per slice with a sharp reduction in carbohydrates ( ).


Equii's unique protein blends will go into many products including bread

Equii’s protein blends will go into many products, including bread.

Jim Cali of NextGen Nutrition said “Cella Farms and the Equii brand are exactly the kind of company NGN loves to invest in. The founders Monica Bhatia and Baljit Ghotra have developed an extraordinary technology which can be applied to a very wide range of foods and channels to have a real impact on societal nutrition. Global bread and pasta alone represent $35B in retail sales. We are excited to help them grow and realize their full potential”.

“NextGen Nutrition has chosen to invest in Cella at exactly the right time”, said co-founder Monica Bhatia. “We have proven our technology, have several promising commercial partners in the works, and are ready to start growing fast”. This was reinforced by her co-founder partner Baljit Ghotra who said “We have been talking with NGN for some time and know they bring more than just investment dollars. They bring deep experience and networks in the food industry which will really help us achieve our business goals.”


Co-Founders Sebastien Canonne, Monica Bhatria and Baljit Ghotra

Co-Founders Sebastien Canonne, Monica Bhatria and Baljit Ghotra


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 Next Gen Nutrition Investment Partners invests in early and growth-stage companies in the food and beverage sector, focusing on businesses offering disruptive superior nutrition and a reduced impact to the planet, including branded food and beverages, food tech and superior food ingredients. As former consumer product executives with extensive experience in the food and beverage industry, the firm’s principals’ operational expertise will help these companies deliver superior business results and better returns for investors.

Andrew Towle